Legal file sharing software
Legal file sharing software

legal file sharing software

Is the platform secure? Ideally, your vendor should run regular security checks, and be validated by a third party.

Does it have encryption options? Read up on what lawyers should know about encryption to make sure your secure file sharing software fits the bill.Look for a secure tool that’s easy to implement and use for your firm. This is great advice for easing some of the evaluation process, and keeping any sales conversations relevant to your needs.īefore you purchase a secure file sharing tool for your law firm, it’s important to make sure that the software has what your firm needs to succeed while keeping client information confidential. Allen Rodriguez of One400 suggested creating a request for a proposal using a list of your needs instead of simply having a provider pitch you with their standard sales protocol. Keep it simple but concise and consider sharing your list of needs with any sales teams you encounter.For example, if you plan on expanding your staff or outsourcing work, what additional file sharing permissions/needs might you have? If you are a solo lawyer, be sure your list of needs has some future planning involved.Buying a tool that only works for you does nothing to improve your firm’s use. Involve any of your team members who will use the secure file sharing tool in your decision making/needs analysis: They’ll need to use it, after all.Start by making a list of all your firm’s specific needs: This could include high-level needs like ease-of-use and security, but it could also include factors that are more specific to your firm and/or practice area (for example, e-signatures might be important to you).įollow these tips to help efficiently create a well-rounded list of your needs: There’s no need to overthink things when it comes to choosing a secure file sharing option for your firm, but taking a bit of time to think about your firm’s specific needs will help focus your search on tools that work best for you. What does your law firm need in a secure file sharing tool? The tools that are available to the legal field for file sharing are numerous, priced to allow implementation that results in a positive ROI, and come in a variety of flavors and needs. If you are a lawyer reading this, who file shares in these forms, you are losing billable time that could be spent on the true value you bring.įile sharing does not have to be unsecured, scary or overwhelming.

legal file sharing software

Handling paper, mailing of documents and emailing back and forth multiple times are all common practices in the legal industry that cost countless hours of admin time. If you are going to continue using email to share files, your best bet is to start with some research on ensuring you have a paid plan that has built in security compliance and potential encryption options. Solos were the least likely to employ this type of software at 37% with small firms coming in next at 55%.Įmail remains one of the main sources of file sharing in the legal field, despite plenty of evidence that email is not the best option for secure file sharing.

legal file sharing software legal file sharing software

In 2019, the ABA TECHREPORT took a look at solo and small firm document and record management software use. This article will focus on what to look for in law firm sharing software and review a few quick and easy options you can employ today (yes, today)! Why do I need a secure file sharing tool built for law firms? Today and for the unforeseen future, that collaboration must be remote to be successful. Ensuring those documents are shared efficiently and securely during the collaboration process means finding, vetting and learning new tools. A simple document execution involving a few individuals has now become a complex digital and virtual process. How fast can we catch up?ĭocuments are a major byproduct of the legal field and the collaboration required for the completion of those documents is immense. The legal industry has been slow to adopt some technology tools, such as law firm secure file sharing tools, and now we are seeking to implement quickly and aggressively to thrive in our current market. If you are a lawyer working remotely in 2020 (and who isn’t in 2020), file sharing is not an optional service for you or your firm.

Legal file sharing software